Delicious Homemade Blueberry Ice Cream Recipe | Low Calorie Ice Cream

Delicious Homemade Blueberry Ice Cream Recipe | Low Calorie Ice Cream
Eggless ice cream!

blueberry juice 400 ml – 46 kcal
white sugar 40 grams – 150 kcal
whole milk 100 grams – 63 kcal
milk powder 85 grams – 320 kcal
cream 35% 200 grams – 672 kcal
dextrose 125 grams – 460 kcal
inverted sugar 50 grams -134 kcal
soja lecithin 8 grams – 72 kcal
agar stabilizer 2 grams – 3.5 kcal

1kg 10 grams – 1920.5 kcal

100 grams of homemade ice cream contains 192.05 kcal

Watch the video to follow the whole process of making blueberry ice cream at home

Bon appetit!
00:00 Blueberry to make homemade low calorie ice cream ice cream
00:11 To make blueberry juice mixture
01:19 To make dairy mixture
03:57 Pasturazation and homogenization
04:28 To make the final mixture
05:25 To use the ice cream maker machine
06:18 To store and to place to a freezer
06:55 To serve it well in a lovely way