Buzzing overseas [Lower body slimming stretch that turns your thighs into thin ones]
“If I kept doing this, my thighs became toned and I went down two pant sizes!”
There are actually girls out there, so give it a try! !
People who don’t aim to be muscular and muscular, but just want to keep their bodies toned
Recommended for people who want to change their body to a slimmer body.
Try only choosing things you can do before going to bed or after taking a bath.
Zumbando en el extranjero [Estiramiento para adelgazar la parte inferior del cuerpo que adelgaza los muslos]
“¡Si seguía haciendo esto, mis muslos se tonificaban y bajaba dos tallas de pantalón!”
De hecho, hay chicas por ahí, ¡así que pruébalo! !
Personas que no pretenden ser musculosas y musculosas, sino que solo quieren mantener sus cuerpos tonificados.
Recomendado para personas que desean cambiar su cuerpo a un cuerpo más delgado.
Intente elegir únicamente cosas que pueda hacer antes de acostarse o después de bañarse.
해외에서 버즈하고 있다【허벅지가 허벅지로 바뀌는 하반신 마른 스트레치】
「이것 계속하면 허벅지가 긴축해 왔고, 팬츠의 사이즈가 2 사이즈 다운했다!」
라고 하는 여자도 실제로 나와 있으므로 해 봐 주세요! !
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